Comparing Cocoweb and Restoration Hardware Picture Lights
Comparing Cocoweb and Restoration Hardware Picture Lights
Picture lights are types of fixtures specifically made for framed pictures or artwork to beautify and emphasize the piece. As many know, lighting artwork is not always the simple task, and as a downside, natural sunlight or use of other lighting that are not made for lighting pictures can physically damage a piece of artwork depending on the materials it consists of. Picking the right fixture that is attractive, relevant,
14th May 2018
The Top 10 Most Colorful Paintings in History
The beauty of art is that it is versatile and expressive. Artists from across the world produce unique works of art from traditional to modern with a variety of media, patterns, brush strokes, subjects, textures, styles, themes, and color schemes implemented into their final products.
Focusing on color, this is one of the first things we notice about a painting. Whether it is mute, monochromatic, pastel, or vibrant, color has a way of speaking to us. The use of cool or neutral color
11th May 2018
Why Choose LED?
Why switch to LED?
You’ve probably heard that LED is better, but why? Learn more about LED lights and the top 5 reasons you should switch to LED lighting.
What is LED?
A LED is a light-emitting diode, a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it, converting electricity into light. When one or more LEDs are combined with an electrical driver and placed in a housing, you have a complete LED light bulb or LED light fixture.
10th Aug 2016
High-End LED Picture Lights
27th Jan 2016
Ma Ly's art show with Cocoweb picture lights
Throughout November, 2014, a well known artist by the name of Ma Ly had his art on display in the Art Hop art show of Fresno, CA. Ma Ly is known for his award-winning portraits, such as "The Gift of Peace", "Lost in Dreams", "Tea Ceremony" and "Lunchtime". This year the Art Hop show displaying Ma Ly's art, had the opportunity to display the paintings along with Cocoweb picture lights, and were nice enough to put together a short video explaining their experience with using the lamps. Please c
2nd Feb 2015