
Color your mood with your home!

Color Your Mood With Your Home!

There's an abundance of information available on the subject of how color affects your mood. The following ideas are a good starting point for deciding what colors to include in certain areas of your home. According to designers who stay on top of the ever-changing decorating trends, 2016 color trends involve bold, bright colors. Neutrals are still an acceptable option, but the shades of neutral have new variations, such as muted grays. Layered white is a 2016 trend. Incorporated into that design style is a touch of elegance that comes from gold or silver accessories.

Lights Color Trends

A lifestyle trend is influencing one of the 2016 decorating trends. Families are beginning to return to the trend of sharing meals together in a dining room. With red being a color that promotes conversation and energizes the atmosphere and orange being a color that stimulates appetite, either of these would be great color choices for a dining room. Choosing ceiling barn lights for a dining room or a kitchen island that functions as the family eating area would be a good way to keep the atmosphere comfortably casual.

Updating your decor to coincide with current trends doesn't have to be a major project. One of the 2016 trends focuses on the bathroom mirror. The boring, round, square or rectangular mirror over the sink is being replaced with uniquely shaped statement mirrors. Adding wall mount barn lights above the mirror is an ideal way to showcase its beauty.

Blue and green continue to be the most popular color choices for bedrooms or relaxation areas in the home. Either of these colors can be used to help you create a trendy spa-like atmosphere in a bathroom. It's recommended that you include a variety of lighting options in a bedroom and bathroom in order to be able to create different moods in the room.

Light colors

One of the 2016 decorating trends involves creating an outdoor living space that features some of the same design elements and material choices that you've used indoors. Chocolate brown is considered to be a good color choice for areas where a sense of togetherness is the goal. It's a color you can attractively include in an indoor or outdoor living. LED barn lighting is a stylish choice for indoor and outdoor living areas. You can use a red, green or yellow light to add a pop of color to your interior or exterior living area.

colorful rooms

(images from:,,,,, 

10th Feb 2016 Zeinab

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